Uddeling 2021

Dansk Kræftforsknings Fonds uddeling 2021: Kr. 3.295.000

Miss Line Nygaard Buchwald, Department of Pathology, Rigshospitalet
Project: Identification of Novel Targets in Glioblastoma using an improved Pre-Clinical Relapse Model - kr. 215.000

Mr Thomas Landkildehus Lisle, Department of Oncology, CCIT-DK, Herlev Hospital
Project: Functional screening of novel -cell Receptors for use in Adoptive Cell Therapy using an mRNA-based transfection system kr. 225.000,00

Miss Demet Özcan, Department of Surgery, Regional Hospital Horsens
Project: Association between tumor immune response and risk of recurrence in breast cancer patients treated with radiotherapy kr. 205.000

Miss Eva Kjeldsted Jensen, Department of Clinical Oncology and Palliative Care Zealand University Hospital Denmark
Project: Præ-operativ træning til patienter i neoadjuverende kemoterapi for brystkræft (Neo-Train) - et randomiseret kontrolleret forsøg kr. 250.000

Mr Daniel Kristensen, Department of Hematology, Aalborg University Hospital
Project: REFORM-AML: A Nationwide Retrospective Study of Population-based Acute Myeloid Leukemia Tumor Genetic Data kr. 150.000

Miss Emma Riis Skarsø, Department of Clinical Medicine/Department of Oncology Aarhus University Hospital
Project: DBCG RT Nation Automation: Analysis of nationwide delineation trends and automation of radiotherapy treatment planning process in breast cancer patients kr. 150.000

Mr Peter Schmidt-Andersen, Børneonkologisk Laboratorium, Rigshospitalet
Project: Integrative neuromusclar training in Adolescents and Children treated for cancer - a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial kr. 150.000

Mr Mathias Mertz Petersen, Department of Surgical Gastroentology, Hvidovre Hospital
Project: Selektion til Diagnostisk Koloskopi i Kræftpakke-forløb (Endoskopi IV studiet) kr. 150.000

Mr Sixten Harborg, Department of Oncology Aarhus University Hospital
Project: Overweight - Impact on the Clinical Outcome in Breast Cancer kr. 150.000

Miss Anne Anker Nissen, Børneonkologisk Laboratorium, Rigshospitalet
Project: Styrketræning til forebyggelse af senfølger hos voksne langtidsoverlevere efter kræftbehandling i barndommen kr. 150.000

Miss Lisa Maria Sele Sætre, Forskningsenheden for Almen Praksis, Syddansk Universitet
Project: Den diagnostiske proces for patienter med symptomer på lungekræft - et kohortestudie vedrørende faktorer med betydning for lægesøgning og udredning kr. 150.000

Mr Magnús Pétur Bjarnason Obinah, Department of Plastic Surgery Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital
Project: Circulating tumor DNA for early detection of recurrence and risk-stratification in melanoma kr. 150.000

Miss Demi van der Horst, Department of Biomedicine Aarhus University Hospital
Project: Metabolic enhancement of oncolytic viral immunotherapy kr. 150.000

Mr Mikkel Lundbech, Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research Unit of Clinical Biochemistry, Aarhus University Hospital
Project: Changes in coagulation in colorectal cancer patients undergoing surgical treatment kr. 150.000

Mr Luciano de Oliveira Souza, Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology University of Copenhagen
Project: Repurposing old drugs to overcome docetaxel resistance in castration resistant prostate cancer kr. 150.000

Miss Rogini Balachandran, Department of Surgery Aarhus University Hospital
Project: Psychological distRESs, and treatment of these, in colorectal cancer patients following surgery with either HIPEC oR pelvic Exentration kr. 150.000

Miss Ina Marie Dueholm Hjorth, Gynecology and obstetrics, Aarhus University Hospital
Project: Improved diagnosis of ovarian cancer kr. 150.000

Miss Iben Katinka Greiber, Department of Obstetrics, Rigshospitalet
Project: Cancer in pregnancy: Clinical management and consequences for mother and child in a Danish cohort study kr. 150.000

Miss Cecilie Riis Iden, Department of Oncology, Rigshospitalet
Project: Clinical Utility of circulating Tumor DNA as biomarker in preoperative work-up and surveillance after resection of Gastro-Esophageal Adenocarcinoma kr. 150.000

Miss Michala Gylling Rolver, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen
Project: Acidosis-induced Golgi dysregulation as a therapeutic target in cancer kr. 150.000