Dansk Kræftforsknings Fonds uddeling i 2023: Kr. 4.499.998
Ms Christine Secher, Afdeling for Kræftbehandling Rigshospitalet
Project: TEMPLE - Thiopurine Enhanced Mutations for PD-1/Ligand-1 Efficacy 250.000 kr.
Ms Tine Andreasen, Department of Molecular Medicine Aarhus University
Project: Delineation of the immune-cancer cell ecosystem in immunotherapy response in bladder cancer 250.000 kr.
Mr Kristian Juul Sandahl, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine Aarhus University Hospital Denmark
Project: Clinical and molecular characterization of childhood acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia-related cytogenetic abnormalities 250.000 kr.
Mr Casper Carstens Lund, Frödin Group, Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC) University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Project: New CRISPR-Select method for better prevention and treatment of hereditary cancer in children 250.000 kr.
Ms Marie Weitemeyer, Department of Plastic surgery Herlev og Gentofte Hospital
Project: The MELASHADE study: Sentinel node biopsy in melanoma - When should it be applied and how do we engage patients in shared decision-making?
250.000 kr.
Mr Marvelmario Gabriel, Department of Health & Medical Sciences Biotech Research & Innovation Centre
Project: Tumor-macrophage dynamics and chemoresistance mechanisms in bile duct cancer 250.000 kr.
Ms Michael Andersen, Department of Clinical Oncology and Palliative Care Zealand University Hospital Region Zealand
Project: Circulating tumor DNA guided treatment monitoring in advanced lung cancer - a randomized interventional study 250.000 kr.
Mr Frederik Hansen, Department of Plastic Surgery Odense University Hospital
Project: Topical tacrolimus for the amelioration of breast cancer-related lymphedema 249.500 kr.
Ms Johanna Swenne, Onkologisk afdeling Vejle Sygehus
Project: Cross-PALL – A New Cross-Disciplinary Model for palliative care Planning for Patients with Incurable Cancer 204.693 kr.
Ms Line Lind Langevad, Geriatrisk Forskningsenhed, Geriatrisk afdeling Bispebjerg og Frederiksberg Hospital Denmark
Project: Projekt SaVe: Sarkopeni og vertigo hos ældre patienter med colorectalcancer 204.693 kr.
Ms Anne Sofie Holdam, Department Head Organ- og Plastikkirurgisk Afdeling Sygehus Lillebælt, Vejle
Project: Non-melanoma skin cancer in Denmark - trends, inequality and risk factors for unfavorable outcomes 204.693 kr.
Mr Phillip Sperling, Forskningsenhed for Anæstesi og Intensiv området Aalborg University Hospital
Project: Pain After Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery 204.693 kr.
Mr Peter Hjorth-Hansen, Institute of Regional Health Research University of Southern Denmark
Project: Tidlig opsporing af lungekræft ved måling af proteaseaktivitet og cirkulerende tumor DNA 204.693 kr.
Mr Dusan Rasic, Department of Surgical Pathology Zealand University Hospital
Project: Digital biomarkers for prediction of response to chemotherapy in breast cancer 204.693 kr.
Ms Henriette Friis, Clinical Biochemistry Aarhus University Hospital
Project: Macrophage "don't eat me" checkpoints as biomarkers to monitor immunotherapy in bladder cancer 204.693 kr.
Ms Sandra Jensen, Danish Cancer Society National Cancer Survivorship and Late Effects Research Center Rigshospitalet
Project: Addressing the Forgotten Sex in Lymphedema Research: Prospective Surveillance to Identify Risk and Incidence of Lymphedema among Men with Prostate Cancer. The AWARE Cohort 204.693 kr.
Ms Katrine Kristensen, Department of Respiratory Disease and Allergy Aarhus University Hospital
Project: Lung cancer in patients younger than fifty years of age. Incidence, prognosis and socioeconomic consequences. 204.693 kr.
Ms Mai Erritzøe-Jervild, Afdeling for Hjerne- og Nervesygdomme Herlev Hospital
Project: Neurological side effects in cancer immunotherapy: A neglected cause of treatment failure? -A nationwide study on prevalence and management 204.693 kr.
Ms Eva Jensby, Department of Molecular Medicine Aarhus University
Project: Unraveling the molecular heterogeneity of grade group 1 prostate cancer and its tumor microenvironment 204.693 kr.
Ms Karoline Kristjansen, Afdeling for Plastik- og mammakirurgi Aalborg Universitetshospital
Project: Perioperative treatment with Tranexamic Acid (TXA) in melanoma; prognostic and treatment related impact of the plasminogen-plasmin pathway 204.693 kr.